I am not sure anyone will read this, its been so long since I blogged. Infact, I can not believe just how long. Where has the time gone? I have had alot on with personal issues and my classes, and most of the time I feel im chasing my tail, but I have missed my blogging and you've always been near in my thoughts. I am determined to start posting again regularly, I have a lovely party to go to on Saturday, and a class on Friday, so have alot to do over the next couple of days, but intend to post here on Sunday, with some photos of the cards from the class and also of the party.
Here is a wedding card I made a while ago, thought I would share it with you. Have a ton of cards to share, but have had no camera to take photos of them, so am waiting on my lovely daughter or hubby to do it for me.
I hope everyone is well, will get round to your blogs very soon. Thank you for bothering to visit me.
big hugs Linda x
Beautiful card. Have a great day. Hugs Anesha
Beautiful card,great to have you back...I know how life gets in the way and goes at break neck speed these days,but we are all here when ever you pop by..Have a great time at the party and class...
Mandy x
It has been a long time but lovely to have you back & with such a beautiful card too! I know what you mean by life getting in the way of blogging - it's the same with me so I just fit it around everything else :) Hope you're okay, take care Love Stephanie xxx
his is gorgeous,nice to see you around.xxx
So goos to see you again, its ages since we chatted but life does get in the way sometimes and we all have a lot on at home.
Beautiful card love the colours and the gorgeous design.
Hugs Linda
Hi Linda, so good to see you back hun, I've missed visiting your blog and your lovely cards. This wedding card is amazing! Love it. Hope you and yours are keeping well. hugs Donna x
oh linda hunny how are you good I hope oh have missed you could not email as lost all my contacts,rrrr but was always wondering how you were,this is one stunning card hun just amazing detail love hugs cheryl x
oh my new email hun,just encase,is
Linda It has been a long time but anytime you post your card always impressed. Hope to see a bit more of you.
What a wonderful card Linda.
Hugs Riet.xx
how weird. I was only thinking of you today and wondering if you were still in blogland and still had your shop. Beautiful card
hugs sarah x
Hello Linda honey its great to see you in blog land again. Your card is precious so beautiful. I must admit I don't blog much just my challenge blog stuff mainly as I'm also busy with too much other stuff behind the scenes.
You're often in my thoughts hugs x
Hi Linda
Lovely to see you back in blogland and with a gorgeous beautiful card! Love it!
Take care and hopefully see you soon.
Hi Sweetie, I bet you'll be surprised at just how many people will leave you a comment. Glad to have you back as Ive missed you terribly.
Stunning invite, and good luck with the classes.
By the way I also have a new furbaby. hugs Shirleyxx
Beautiful wedding card, Linda! This is so elegant! I'm so happy you're back to blogging! Missed you very much! Keep them coming!
Hugs, Cami
Hiya hun :D It is so good to see you are about. I have sent you a couple of emails and was starting to get very worried about you.
This is a beautiful card and I can't wait to see some more from your classes.
I hope your classes are going well and not causing you too much stress.
Huge hugs
Amy xx
Stunning card, I know how quickly time flies by, I always seem to be trying to catch up with blogging too,
just what I'm doing at the moment x
Hi Linda
Blogging again! Great. hope to see you here again soon. Love the card as always.
Lynne xxx
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Hey Linda -
just thought I would pop around and visit all the crafty weekend girlies before we meet up!
Cant wait to meet everyone - yep, you are right - time does fly!
Great news that return again, It has been a long time but sweet to have you back & with such a beautiful card too. I noticed you also one of from my line, who not blogging regularly.
Hi Linda thanks for your very kind message on my blog. Hope you and Heather has a trouble free trip home. I had such a lovely weekend and so enjoyed both of you lovely ladies company, hope to see you really soon hugs Pascale xxx
Those three pearls and ribbons are increase the look of simple creation of your card. That font face simple but looks stylish.
Lovely fantastic card color and design. Every thing looking awesome and fantastic. I appreciate of your work.
Beautiful card. I just love the colours and the gorgeous design. Really this is so elegant!
Lovely card. I just love colour and design of this card so much. It is a beautiful card and I can't wait to see some more from your classes.
According to me this card look very simple and rich. In this card paper and design is too good. Also I like colour o this card.
It is good to see your blog here. This wedding card is really very beautiful. I like its simplicity. Its design is also fabulous. Nice sharing.
Wow Its such a very beautiful card. I really like this card color and also pattern.
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